
Buckingham Palace

"The Queen has asked me to thank you for your letter of 23rd October in which you wished to tell Her Majesty about the recent summit meeting which you organized in London. The Queen appreciated the message of support for her long reign, which you conveyed on behalf of the attendees."

Respondent of Queen Elizabeth II (Miss Jennie Vine, MVO ) Deputy Correspondence Coordinator

Trinidad & Tobago

"I wish to commend the efforts of Abdul Basit Syed and the world humanitarian Drive in promoting ecology of peace through education sports and the arts."

H.E Anthony Thomas 5th President of Trinidad and Tobago

Republic of Kosovo

"I consider this initiative of the very important in order to inspire millions of people around the world, especially in their efforts at this time of crisis caused by Covid-19, to remain committed to the efforts for humanism and cultivation of true human values – of help, support and solidarity."

H.E. FatmirSejdiu First President of Kosovo

United Nations

"I would like to take this opportunity to commend your efforts in promoting peace, humanity and education."

MELISSA FLEMING Under-Secretary-General for Global Communications • ‎United Nations


"I extend my sincere thanks to Dr. Abdul BasitSyed, founder Chairman for hosting such an important program and take the most rightful step towards pooling the ideas of so many enlightened people.I think it my bounden duty to thank with due appreciation the Chairman and office-bearers of the WHD for finding me appropriate in conferring such a distinguished award."

H.E Madhav Kumar Nepal 34th Prime Minister of Nepal


"I should complement the honorary member Abdul Basit for setting the mission World Humanitarian Drive. What an extraordinary concert it is, bringing dignity demanding human prosperity the soul our collective mission shared."

Dr. Raghavan Seetharaman CEO of Doha Bank


"It is great contribution that they bring to us and I hope that this positive example provided by our partners from World Humanitarian Drive would be captured for the future."

Mr. Ilya Bachurin, CEO of TV BRICS


"I was touched to be distinguished by this unexpected distinction. This award will be a symbolic compass, leading me to other actions and projects towards inspiring humanitarian work."

H.S.H Angelika EwaJarosławskaSapieha International Peace Ambassador


"We strongly believe his project of declaring 30th September as World Moral Education Day will be a call for peace around the world."

Hon Dr. Sekou Benna Camara


"Dear Abdul Basit Syed, I appreciate your noble initiatives to promote peace through morality and I was pleased and impressed to know you and your organisation members have worked hard to collect thousands ofsignature so far in support of your everyday growing movement for U.N. to Declare “World Moral Day” from people worldwide along with Phd scholars, global leaders and influencers testimony."

AbdelmajidFassiFihri MP – Kingdom of Morocco


"I strongly believe announcing of "World Moral Day" by United Nations an initiative taken by you will spread massive awareness among the people globally to know the importance of human values, ethical moral codes and spread peace and love in this world."

MK Yehiel "Hilik" Bar Deputy Speaker of the Knesset

United Kingdom

"I would like to appreciate you for all the great deeds that you as an individual initiate which is creating massive impact across the globe."

Cllr. Humanyun Kabir Mayor of Croydon 2019-2020